A super partes figure
Innovation & Change Manager
It is essential that innovation projects are managed by external professionals in possession of specific soft & hard skills.
This set of specific experiences will allow us to lead projects until the objectives are achieved.
His external contribution will allow us to evaluate the points of view of all stakeholders and not just those who initially propose the change.
When we can make a contribution
It is not necessary to involve a consultant for every little change that the organization needs. Some of the reasons that push companies to rely on an Innovation & Change Manager are :
- dealing with great growth;
- implementation of a management control system;
- selection and start-up of an ERP-type information system;
- opening of a new branch in Italy or abroad;
- inefficiency in company management;
- coaching new management figures;
- mergers with other entities (Mergers & Acquisitions - M&A).
Characteristics of Target Companies
The common factors of the companies that contacted us are::
- turnover between 1 and 10 M€;
- property still very operational;
- poor integration between the various departments;
- difficulty in hiring and retaining staff;
- poor communication;
- poor digital culture;
- perception of having reached the end of a cycle.
If your structure has one or more of these characteristics, let's take some time for an initial short remote interview !
Characteristics of successful projects
An innovation project can be considered successful if it is:
- On time
- On budget
- On target
On Time
A successful project respects both the necessary and planned consultancy days and the actual start-up date.
On Budget
Respecting the delivery budget is a second fundamental aspect in order to define successful projects.
On Target
Delivering 100% of what was agreed is certainly another fundamental aspect in project evaluation.
Simply introducing technology is NOT capable of bringing about change
You don't necessarily have to change your information system
It often happens that the information system (whether management or ERP) acts as a scapegoat for all the problems of an organization; with these premises we delude ourselves that his replacement could solve every strategy, process and personnel problem: but this never happens!